Most Proven
Microbial Technology
Acela Biotek helps growers
increase yields, save water, reduce chemical fertilizers, and revitalize soil.
Results for 16+ Years,
All Over the World.
Acela Biotek is a bio-technology company that specializes in microbial formulations that restore soil to a naturally healthy and optimized state - thus reducing the need for chemical fertilizers and pesticides, while conserving water and increasing yields. Since 2006, Acela Biotek's flagship microbial product, LALITHA 21®, has achieved groundbreaking results with over 100 crops, and from all corners of the world - consistently improving profits for growers, while accelerating the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices due to overwhelming economic benefits.

Sugar Canes - Vietnam

Sugar Canes - Vietnam

Worldwide Exclusive License
The technology behind Acela Biotek's flagship product, LALITHA 21®, has been developed with a worldwide exclusive license from Michigan State University and protected by two United States Patents (8822190 & 9615584). The soil amendment technology was invented at Michigan State University by Dr. C. A. Reddy, an internationally recognized microbiologist and Dr. Lalithakumari Janarthanam, a distinguished microbiologist and plant pathologist, which has also gone through several proprietary enhancements. The improved technology has shown to reduce fertilizer usage up to 90% and water usage by 70%, while increasing yields by 30%. Today, a team of top scientists continues to develop Acela Biotek’s products at our laboratory, just minutes away from the University of California at Davis, currently ranked #1 in plant sciences in the world.

Granted Exclusive Worldwide
Licensing of Microbial Technology
Acela Biotek technology was developed with a
Worldwide Exclusive License from Michigan State University
Improving Profits for Growers

Olive Orchard - Texas

Olive Orchard - Texas
Results: Andalusia Olive Orchard - Texas
In the Acela Biotek treated area, fertilizer and water usage was reduced by 50%. While the olive trees in the untreated area perished due to sub-freezing temperatures, the olive trees treated with LALITHA 21® withstood the freeze and also achieved early production, noting the dynamic climate conditions in East Texas. Based on proven effectiveness, the Grower treated an additional 5,000 olive trees, over 20 acres, generating significant profits.